Bio-One of Chandler decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

Bio-One Weekly Wrap-Up, Week 9: Arizona Law Enforcement Grant, National Law Enforcement Museum Post - 9/11 Exhibit, What to Ask Before Hiring a Crime Scene Cleaner

Bio-One Weekly Wrap-Up Summary of Biohazard Work

Bio-One answers the call to help our community and remediate a variety of scenes. From hoarding, crime scene cleaning, or simply giving back, we'd like to bring you into the Bio-One world by sharing stories of the unique and important work we do.

Here is this week's Weekly Wrap-Up.

Arizona Law Enforcement Grant - Voting Ends August 15

Voting for the 2021 Bio-One AZ Law Enforcement Grant is almost over. Don't miss your chance to vote for an AZ law enforcement agency! First place receives a $5,000 grant from Bio-One and second place will receive a complimentary brats and burgers catered BBQ. 

Last year, congratulations went to the Snowflake Taylor Police Department. The $5,000 allowed them to purchase 15 fully stocked Modular Trauma & Bleeding First Aid Responder Kits, enough to equip every patrol vehicle! 

Thank you to the AZ Bio-One offices for making this possible!

National Law Enforcement Museum Post - 9/11 Exhibit

Bio-One, Inc. is a sponsor of the newest exhibit at the National Law Enforcement Museum, Post - 9/11: The Evolution of American Law Enforcement

As described on

Since 9/11 law enforcement has come together – in partnership with other agencies, the private sector, and the general public – to help make us all safer. In response to the threats raised by 9/11, law enforcement has seen changes in the areas of intelligence collection and analysis, interagency partnerships and information sharing, technology and innovation, training and preparation, and community engagement.

The National Law Enforcement Museum will present a new exhibition to mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and honor the officers who rose to the challenge that day. This will be the first exhibition to focus on the significant changes to U.S. law enforcement that occurred in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.

The exhibit opens August 27, 2021 and tickets are available for purchase

To learn more about the exhibit, register for the August 19 virtual conversation The Post-9/11 Story: Questions, Reflections, and a Museum Exhibit. This program will pull back the curtain on the behind-the-scenes conversations that go into crafting an exhibit about the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and life since. Learn more and register here! 

The Post-9/11 Story Sponsored by Bio-One

What to Ask Before Hiring a Crime Scene Cleaner

New blog post! Today, there are hundreds of companies that advertise crime and trauma scene cleaning, and a simple Google search may prove overwhelming when you're experiencing one of the most traumatic moments in your life.

To help, we've listed pre-qualifying questions to ask before choosing a crime and trauma scene company. Here's a link to our recent blog post!